Ashoka South Side
By the end of the eighties, the 'Ashoka' name was hot on the lips of every curry worshipper in the west. Intrepid explorers from 'the other side' (of the river, that is), had been spotted winding their way westwards in search of that eastern promise. The southerners had to be comforted. It was time to build an oasis in the dopiaza dessert and open the Ashoka South Side!
Here, you can step back in time to the days of the Raj and 'chilli' out in Colonial comfort under the watchful eye of Queen Victoria! Authentic period pictures, photographs, artefax and memorabilia adorn the walls, taking you back to a time when the Imperial soldier had his first taste of a cuisine beyond bully beef and chips. A touch too much chilli, and the stiff upper lip was the Ashoka South Side. So, there you have it - a visit to this friendly hotspot is not just a culinary experience - it's an education! So bring the family for a quick 'dekko'!
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